J-1 Exchange Visitors are restricted to employment in the specific field listed in item #4 of their Form DS-2019 and to the sponsoring institution whose U.S. address is listed in item #1 on the DS-2019. J-1 Students on Academic Training are restricted to the employment and dates specified in their letter of work authorization written by their J program sponsor and the dates and locations listed on their Form DS-2019s for Academic Training.
Occasional lectures or consultations
J-1 Professors or Research Scholars may be eligible for authorization to participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations if certain conditions are met: namely, that the research or teaching is directly related to the program listed in item #4 of the scholar’s Form DS-2019, is INCIDENTAL to their program (single events that are occasional in nature, not an ongoing activity), and will not interfere with nor delay the completion date of the visitor’s program. Occasional lectures or consultations cannot be counted toward the minimum financial support required on the Form DS-2019. J-1 Scholars must obtain written authorization in advance from ISSS before engaging in any occasional lectures or consultations.
J-1 Exchange Visitors are permitted to receive re-imbursement for travel expenses and subsistence allowance for out of town conferences or speaking engagements, etc., if approved in writing in advance by ISSS.
Change of Employer or Job
With permission in advance from ISSS, J-1 Exchange Visitors may transfer to other positions on campus or with other program sponsors without USCIS or DOS approval for those with D/S on their I-94 cards. Transfers are possible only when the Exchange Visitor’s new position maintains the program objective detailed in item #4 of their Form DS-2019. All transfer paperwork must be completed prior to the transfer. J-1 Scholars must consult with ISSS if considering a change of employer or job.
J-2 dependents with employment authorization are not restricted to specific employers or specific employment.